
From Tiriel Gateway

The Shadowfell is one of the planes of existence of Un. It resides within the circles of the Mortal Plane, and is considered the counterpart to The Feywild.

Nature of the Shadowfell

The Shadowfell is an unforgiving place where time holds no dominion. In the deep wilds an hour may go by while a mere minute may pass within more tame locales. It is a realm devoid of color and pigment.


Ishan-hyr is the domain of the Shadar-kai within the Shadowfell. A handful of smaller and depraved hamlets are within the borders of Ishan-hyr, but at its center upon a large rise of land lies its chief city, Myrosar. Myrosar is generally bathed in darkness, which is preferred by most Shadar-kai. At its lowest levels are winding tunnels of streets, hovels, and black markets; the (quite literal) underbelly of Myrosar. Here the light of the Ilyndáma does not reach. At higher levels are halls and towers, where bridges and promenades lift the upper classes away from the muck. The higher in class the closer to the peak of Myrosar. At that peak is the Ravenkeep, where the Raven Lords and their courts move in their dark halls. One of their many purposes is to safeguard and lend power to the Azoth Stone which commands time to progress akin to Tiriel’s (the material plane).


The Stone of Xhul-Namtár (ʒool-nam-TAR, ʒ as in 'pleaʒure' or 'uʒually') is a wide rock with the scripture of shadowfell written upon it. The author is anonymous, but is said to have been carried away to the heavens upon concluding their writings. The location is in a deep glade that is not often trod, near the very borders of Ishan-hyr.

Ilyndáma is a holiday of Ishan-hyr, the only day when natural light shines directly on the realm. Every 1088 days (on the material plane) the Ilyndáma shines upon the land as a distant star, and everything is bathed in silver light. Shadar-kai’s days are counted by the star, so a child who has seen the Ilyndáma once would be one star old.