
From Tiriel Gateway

Erendúra is a large region of Western Andrithiel. It is the most populated region of Andrithiel, with many major port cities and various realms and kingdoms.


Erendúra is split into six different realms. The most prominent is Ereld, which was Eréldoth of old, until the kingdom fell and was broken into many smaller states. To its north east is the Kingdom of Avordáth, and to its west the smaller realm of Ith'Duanni, both of which are vassal to what royalty remains in Ereld. These major realms make up a province known as The Midlands.

North of Ereld is Gissvel, one of the oldest realms of Erendúra. To the south of Ereld is the Ruin of Thûnad, where no one dare lay claim, though some still travel by the Southmarch road to reach Malavín further south.

Malavín to the south is one of the most secluded realms in Andrithiel by land, but by sea it is home to the most trade and travel routes of any port city.